- Priced and being sold with no papers for German Shepherd lovers, that want the breed but due to C.K.C, contracts, etc. price them in the $'s. Pedigrees are really only needed, if you intend to show your dog! I was a former breeder in ...
- 2 male puppies born on October 11, . They are mainly black with some red markings.
- In the pictures posted are 2 puppies from April 1, (7mths) from the same parents.
- Asking $575.00, O.B.O
- They can be taken home, November 29, , as they will be eating solid food like others left
- I have references from owners of other litter
- There is a $100 non-refundable deposit required
- The photos included (in order): father, father, mother, older sibling (from last litter), older sibling (from last litter), puppy for sale #1 (4.4 lbs), puppy for sale #2 (4.4 lbs)